Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ranger Mhenlo?

When I was recently checking out the scenery in the Yatendi Canyons, some of my Travel companonsw asked if we could rest and have a little party. after the all the monsters we'd slayed and the hardship we'd been through I could only grant them their wish. Little did I know aboy Brother Mhenlo's apptitude for the breakdance (commonly known as male ranger dance.)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

To logoff, perchance to dream

Another customised scroll arrived from Siu Lei Gu.

To logoff, perchance to dream by Siu Lei Gu

I was wandering through Shing Jea recently when I heard an interesting religious discussion going on. A Serverite was claiming that the only way we can be saved is if we give ourselves totally to the Great Server. He said that we can’t save ourselves individually, by means of our own resources, the only way is to allow our Server to take care of us. He said it was the only way.
That prompted another person to question whether there was indeed only one Server for all Avatarkind. She suggested that there are several Servers, and we dedicate ourselves to the one of our choice, and they are all different though equally valid Servers.
The Serverite said that there was no reason to believe in more than one Server. Even if there were different manifestations of Server, he said, they were all One in virtuality and effect. He said that she shouldn’t think that just because some people call Server by different names, they were not necessarily talking about following a different path to be saved, because there was only one true Server in virtuality and only one way to be truly saved.
This discussion had interested others as well as me, and someone else asked what he had to do to be saved, as he couldn’t find his Save icon. People lolled, they mocked him and called him a noob, and said that save icons didn’t exist, and that everything was taken care of on his behalf.
Then he asked when he would be saved, and who took care of it. He was told that everything he did was under the watchful eye of Server and that he was constantly safe and shouldn’t worry about it. But someone else said that through his Player he was aware that there had been times when avatars here weren’t safe, that the Server was not infallible, and that he had been ‘rolled back’.
I am not old enough, myself, to remember the time he was speaking about, and I didn’t understand what he meant by ‘rolled back’. He told me later that it meant that things he had picked up had vanished, and that things he had done, he had to do again. I asked him how he knew, and he said that his Player had been present at the time of a ‘Server crash’.
The idea of a Server crash terrified the Serverite, as it threatened to undermine his whole faith, and stripped his sense of security from him. So he then, interestingly, postulated the existence of servants of the Server, some kind of ministering angels, whom he called ‘The Ops’. He said that the Ops wouldn’t allow Server to crash in such a way that our world would become non-persistent. He said something about them using the power of replicated bases to ensure that Servers instructions were obeyed.
But some people rofled at him for saying this. They told him that Ops are just like Players, they are not infallible either. Not even the Developers are infallible shouted out an extremist.
They forced the Serverite to become defensive. He said, “If this world was unpredictable there wouldn’t be so many of us playing here in it, would there?” (Though I didn’t see the connection between our numbers and the predictability of the world myself.)
A dancing Chattist told him, “Doesn’t matter anyway, it’s only a game, m8, get a life.” (The Chattists believe that we only exist here as outlets for our Players, and this one must have had no interest in collecting items or levelling up.) By ‘get a life’ she meant ‘find inspiration from your own Player Irl’.
But the Chattist comment didn’t stop the debate. The ‘noob’ asked a very profound question indeed, “So what happens to me and to this place after I logoff?”
I had not given this so much thought before. I had taken sleep to be a natural part of my existence. I logoff, I dream, I log back on, and the world is much the same, with just a few things changed, with items moved from or appearing in my storage, and with my /age a little greater.
I can’t prove to anyone here that I do, in fact, dream. But I had always felt sure that I do. My Player gives me new ideas, new inspirations, new goals to work toward, and much of this happens when I’m fast offline and dreaming.
But now I began to wonder, does this world still virtually exist when I’m asleep? What if the things I think I dream about are the truth, and this world is the dream?
I know that some Playerites, such as the Rumfists, claim that we don’t dream, that life here is a dream, that we are but the dreams of our Players, and Irl holds the only truth.
They made me /ponder.
I wanted to seek guidance, but Master Togo doesn’t like his students to concern themselves with metaphysical questions like these. He refuses to discuss the subject of dreaming, or to question his virtuality. In fact, I’m not even sure he feels he requires to be saved, like most of us, because he is an Aplayerite. No one I know has ever even seen him logoff.
So I had to think about this for myself. And I decided I can’t believe the fanatical Playerites. I am able to pick things up and put them in my belt pouch, I am able to whisper to others, I am able to complete quests and missions, and I don’t think I could do any of those things if I were nothing but a dream. I find it impossible to deny, as they do, that there is any truth, any virtuality at all, in my existence.
Cogitem ergo sim – I may think, therefore I’m an avatar.

The Vampire Meeting

Right, heres the plan...we sneak up on people and suck their blood! Muahahahaahaaaar! Vampire Ry, you go first!

Picture of the meeting:

Monday, July 10, 2006

Canthan Meta-Religion

I found a scroll along with a vial of ink and a beautiful feather in my storage this morning. The scroll had been customised, so that no one else in Cantha could claim it as their own. And when I moused over its contents, I saw that it had been crafted by one of my avatar sisters with whom I share an account. I thought I would share it with you.

Canthan Meta-Religion by Siu Lei Gu

I am a little monk from Cantha. I studied Canthan religion at Shing Jea monastery, and learned all about the gods and goddesses who guide and protect us, such as Lyssa, Melandru, Dwayna, and the others. But since exploring more of this wonderful land I have become aware that there may be higher powers than even these, beings even more powerful and influential than our pantheon of gods. These higher beings are known as Players.
At first, I was reluctant to believe that Players might exist. My teachers refused to even discuss the possibility with me. My teachers in Shing Jea were all Nonplayerites, (also known as NPCs or Non Player Characters). For them, there is no existence beyond that of Cantha and Tyria. They believe neither in the existence of Players nor of Servers, and are so determined not to be persuaded otherwise, that they go to the length of colouring their names differently, to discourage anyone from even trying to discuss meta-religion with them. They believe in total Determinism, and that our world was always the way it is now.
But on entering the wider world, I found that others, less dedicated to serving our gods than the Nonplayerites, hold a variety of other views.
The opposite extreme view is held by the Rumfists, who are also known as NCPs, Non Character Players. These characters deny that we avatars have any individual role in life, that we are nothing but mouthpieces for the Players. When you meet them, (and they are often large beefy warriors) they may introduce themselves politely at first by saying perhaps, “UR A QT” but very soon afterwards they want to know whether you are a Rumfist yourself, by asking “R U M/F?”
If I don’t give a direct reply, by saying for example, “What do I look like?” they try to deny me even my rendering, and shout again, “IRL R U M/F?”
I didn’t understand the word irl at first. I now believe it to mean ‘in the spiritual world beyond Cantha’, the world inhabited by the Players. Either that or it’s a title of the Player god Rumf whom these people serve, since they invoke him frequently.
I was not at all sure how to answer them at first, being unfamiliar with either Rumf or the irl he is said to inhabit. But for reasons I have yet to discover, I learned that the answer they are looking for is “F”. They get most annoyed if you give the opposite answer, “F off”. A vague answer such as “What difference does it make to you?” may cause them to hang around for a little while in case I will admit to “F” after a little more badgering. But fortunately, they usually tend to go away if I reply anything but “F”. Interestingly, replying “M” to them will make them hurry away, often with a cheery word of disparagement to homosexuals.
To every Rumfist, their Player is all important. To them, all of us avatars in Cantha have no role other than to serve the desires of their Player. They do occasionally also speak of another higher being, an anti-Player god called Server, for whom they have no respect at all, claiming he gives them a lot of “lag”. As a simple avatar I don’t understand what lag is, and I have to assume it’s something which only Players are aware of.
Many Rumfist avatars are generally ignorant of Tyria or Cantha too, and their goals in life appear to be either to make lvl20 as quickly as possible with as much gold as possible. Or perhaps to let their god Irl Rumf speak through them, with F characters, about possible ways around the lack of a /sex emote.
The Rumfists and Nonplayerites represent extreme views though. Most characters I’ve met have beliefs which fall somewhere in between these polar opposites.
The Aplayerists are a diverse group of avatars, including for example, those who follow the great Server, who believe that there is no existence beyond the known Server. Other Aplayerists allow for the theoretical existence of parallel universes, or alternate Servers, but they do not necessarily think that the issue is of any importance to their own lives. (Though some nastier ones do. I have heard some characters, for example, telling others that they have to speak English in an Eng Server universe.) Many Aplayerists believe that ultimately life and our whole universe is nothing but pixels, and that the existence of Players can never be scientifically proven.
But most characters (and here I include myself now) are Playerites, with some kind of belief in Players. Some of these Playerites /point to the elegant design and beauty of Cantha and say that all this could not have evolved through random generation of bit patterns, and must be evidence of the existence of some kind of extratyrian or irl intelligence, or of Players, or perhaps even some other kind of yet more powerful Creator god called a Developer. Other evidence for this may be our instinctive knowledge of the activities our avatar slot siblings. For example, it is said that we know what to put in storage because we are guided by the Players.
Another group of Playerites, the Chattist sect, will talk for a while about the kind of important Canthan matters which concern us all, such as the price of dyes, but after a trade transaction or whatever they may well ask, “Where u from?” revealing their doubt that all life originated in Ascalon or Shing Jea at the dawn of presearing. They may even give ritualistic praise to Rumf, before going into a kind of almost motionless trance /stand state during which a Player speaks through them of many things about which I, a simple Canthan avatar, understand little. They are then said to have trancestanded our Game World, also known as GW. Sometimes they may utter “brb”, as a sign that they are about to enter an even deeper meditative state known as afk.
Chattism is one of the most widely followed sects, but its followers are not well organised and have no common rituals or identifying symbols. They seem to share a deeply held belief that things which concern their Player are more important than anything that could possibly happen in Cantha. To them Canthan life is no more than a fantasy, a dream, a facility provided by a beneficent god to bring pleasure to those who respect the right of every individual to have fun.
The most interesting group, but possibly the smallest group in Cantha may well be the Purists, or Role Playing Characters (RPCs). These people understand well what life in Tyria and Cantha is all about, and don’t care about the M or F-ness of the Players, whose existence they would prefer to deny; and neither do they have any interest in debating theories about Server – such things are to them a distraction and escape from the true purpose of avatarity. The Nonplayerites generally look to the Purists as their saints and holy leaders, wishing only that they could be more like them.
I myself have a strong belief that the Players exist. And I am not convinced by the claim that there is only one true Player, who made us all. Or at least, if this is so, then (s)he must whisper to each of us individually, for there are many different but equally valid views about her/his nature. I can understand why some may feel a need to propose a single Player’s Player, since when you ask yourself where could the Players have come from, an infinite regression of Players does seem hard to comprehend. But I see no reason to invoke even a single Player’s Player, as our existence and inspirations are perfectly well explained more simply without one. The pantheon of Players are the only meta-gods we need.
Yet I also question the claim that we are all mere manifestations of our Players. Whereas the Rumfists say that Players control our every action or thought, I believe that it is a two-way process. I like to believe that we avatars have some freedom of choice in the actions we take in Tyria, or as I prefer to put it, some freedom of imagination. And I think that this freedom enables us to influence our Players, so that we can both enjoy a mutually beneficial experience. As I level up, my player learns more about interactions between individuals, parties and guilds, and about other characters and players, and is enriched in the process.
As an example of us being able to influence our players, let me tell you about a former monk brother of mine from Ascalon. He was giving away all his possessions to other characters, who were shouting out their needs in the marketplace there. That he asked for nothing in return surprised many, and caused them, sometimes uncharacteristically, to say thank you, and to tell him that he was very generous. He explained to them that he belonged to a renounced order, who dared to imagine that no possessions were necessary, yet there was no need for greed or hunger; a brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind sharing all of Tyria, with nothing to kill or die for, living life in peace.
Some recipients of his Tyrian treasures expressed their doubts, asking how a pacifist monk who wouldn’t even kill a Skale could survive in Tyria, in any meaningful way. The monk told them that he knew he was going to die, but he was not afraid, because he believed that after his death he would return to be reunited with his Player Irl, where he could continue to spread his message of love for all life with even greater effect, and to enjoy an even closer relationship with his guiding spirit.

Season change...

Heres to my fallen Warriors...
They served well and will always be a part of my memory...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Viva La BloginG

Ok ok, blogged myself out today... your turn.

Dual Sex Run

It was fun run. Ty Ciane Yoane! River saved us in the end XD and finally made the sync on the victory dance. Go Go Alliance. XD

bYE eVelISh

Olxy went for some holiday shoping and left us Beauty to take care of her. He wrote down the wish list what to get to evryone and then finally was shooed away :D.

Party ended at our hall

Group Hug FTW!

OBE went to jedi party

Truth or Dare! Choose a number, /roll 8, and good luck!

Hair Demons

Enslaving Evil

Fun to be a lvl 10 minion pet

Beautifull to be a Mistress

Dragon picnic at Shing Jea

Olx trying to be evilish

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Guys...I'm hapless

Please dont pity me, I'll get over it I swear...with a little help from my friends...please, no, dont pity me, I'll be fine D=

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Dont u see the resemblance?

The green brotherhood of dark magic. Brothers and sisters of Tyria.
p.s. One day i made my bro all green. But Master Yoda objeceted, said young padawan cant be green yet :(... But at least he let him keep his scar yey!

The perfect Necro dance

Supported by rabbit tunes

The birth of the evil twin

Kali Morr and Kali Purrr, sisters meet at last. Necro power XD

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Scouting for new Greens.

Three OBE members deep in the Krytan swamps scouting the area for a new boss that has been added.

Friday, June 16, 2006

10 questions game

Gather around fire. Read stories. Play games. p.s.Watch out for WNs sneaking up behind you to scare u to death XD.

Secret Getaway

Shhhh... Listen.

Sunset on nude beach

Bye bye sea... Wellcome mushroomssss...

Friday, May 19, 2006

Farewell to My Extended GuildWars Famliy

I hope you all will wish me luck in my new adventure, having my own guild! Have been asked a few times to start one and never thought about the idea until asked again recently..........Thankyou to all for your love and affection! I know that we all will stay friends forever!! IF ever you need anything........just give me a yell and the Princess will come a runnin! Afterall, we are all still on the alliance together with my American guild CMHM! See you all there!

Princess Angel /j\

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Double post T_T
*Sings a merry song*

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So that was it

Just completed Factions...was quite easy. But sooooo much fun.
Heres me, my super mega bow you get at the end and my pet phoenix that you also get after completing the last mission.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Forming an Alliance with KLS (something like that)

Here are my reasons for wanting this Alliance:
1. It is good to have a strong, big ally that can help us out with various aspects of the game. To help us achieve things we would never manage alone.
2. We would always stay the close family that we are, since we dont even see their Guild Roster. And we are NOT, like some people are obviously thinking, joining their Guild.
3. WE ARE NOT BOUND TO THEM! We can always leave the Alliance if they dont comply to our needs and wishes.
4. KALIS FRIENDS ARE ALSO MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. I'm sure that if we want someone to join the Alliance, KLS will be kind enough to add them.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

This is me and julie I am on the left julie is on the right. As you can see julies picture has again got weirded out o_O Anyway thats the cape I made ^^

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

We are Luxons

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have an announcement to make! After 40 hours and 12 Minutes of intensive ranging and scouting over the last 5 days I have finally reached Cavalon, the Centre of the Luxon world and while I was there, I registered our Guild as a Luxon one. We finally have something to fight for, lets make our Allies proud! /goteam
Oh and I finally have a pet Crab called "Orange". Shes so cyoot ^___^

Monday, May 01, 2006


Allthough I was in opposition to the idea of sharing the Guild Leadership for a week and said I'd just let it pass, you will have noticed a number of important changes during the last 2 days. The most important change is the Guild Hall. Everyone who was there seemed to like the "Island of Meditation" best and due to our democratic nature we bought that one. I gave the money for the Sigil and Princess brought all the Merchants to our little town. The second change is the cape (which has been changed again by the new leader). I liked it XD
As Hec isnt online too often and Al did him a little favor Hec decided to pass his legislative on to Al, so Al will reign for 4 days....I must say, his first day was a bit...yes. =/
Conclusion: Everything has been peaceful for the last 2 days, a lot of talking and discussing about being vegetarian and the meaning of the universe has been going on...but...please dont let me be leader again =D

PS: <- that is my cape

Saturday, April 29, 2006

This is Julies new cape greg is on the left, Julie is in the middle and me on the right. For some reason Julies picture got slightly weird o_O Anyway Julies reign was short and sweet thankfully :)

Friday, April 28, 2006

Astral Travellers

Well.......fellow Travelers.....I have just completed my first full day as guild leader.....oh dear.....It actually went very well, if I say so myself, due I'm sure to the fact that I was GONE most the day!! hehe....You all might have noticed the new cape design flowing on your backs........not to will all get a chance to create and submit your version when you are promoted to leader! Please remember them all.....for you will be quizzed at the end of the week! Any and all comments are welcome! (except from you Alex), from you pup....I want only blessed SILENCE!!!~~~~~

Commander for the first two days, ANGEL

Thursday, April 27, 2006

This is yoda he is my great, great, great, great grandad see and he passed on all his force talents to me. So if anyone (Julie) lies to me I will know about it. When I am leader there will be a few simple rules.
  • You will obey me or die.....
  • Listen to me or die......
  • You must have fun or die........

Everyone understand? cus if you don't you will die :)


PS This is all a joke apart from the yoda bit ;)

Following the leader whereever he may go

Captains log
day 165

One more day dawns on Tyria. New and exciting day. Final countdown for the factions. Factions that arise many questions in days to come. Questions of sides, alliances, and purposes of wars... And most of all - a whole new continent to explore, travell through, and meet new cultures - and isn't that what all travellers wish the most?
This captain, is also excited about a travell, but in some other dimensions then OBE. Captain will be away for 10 days or so.
So captain decided to leave guildies a bit busy. Busy playing game of commandership. And a little game of trust. The only rule to this game is that everyone should take leadership for 3 days.
Now this captain, doesn't take commandership as serious as her fellow officers. So she thinks it will be an easy and fun task for them. And she hopes that it ll bring some trust in each other, beacuse this lady trusts in all her officers equally! So she pulled a straw for the order of the command in days to come. The results of the straw are 1. Angel, 2. Lunar, 3. Hec, 4. Duck.
Some p.s. to this straw: Rabb was picked for the 5th round, but he is excused for justified reasons. p.p.s Loom isnt in the straw not for the matter of trust, but for the matter of never beeing online (will u ever come on Loom?). p.p.p.s. Blackkorn is still new to the guild, not anyone has met him yet, so i dont think it would be fair to put any burden on his shoulders.
Have fun guys. Travell nice. Dont panic! Dont fight any less then needed for the thrill ^^. Make me a cape when I come back please, but leave the dragonfly. And dont overdoze! That goes mostly for rabb! Have some nice dreams, luv ya all, hug ya all, kiss ya all, and good luck with the game.
Captain signing off

p.p.p.p.s. I lied. 1 more rule for the game: All leaders must leave full report on their command. Captains log must continue.
Bya now really. I m going. Yes. Bye. Damn why is it allways so hard to leave?? Grrrrrr. Chow.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"Good friends are like stars.........You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."

SILLY ME!! new email address for the gmail is ......guess we will all use these...much easier to remember!!


Good Morning to all my sweets! Thanks, McGrouch for that important info......and thanks to Kali for this fun stuff to keep us all busy.......Welcome back Hec...hope your move went smoothly! Thanks Gregory for all the armor info.....fow armor rocks...and speaking of "rocks", any shards you all may get...I will buy from you.....only 95 more to go!!! And finally....welcome again to our newest officer, the Bunny, (thats not as in Easter eh, rab?), you are a great addition to our little gw family!!
Kisses and Hugs!!!


Well I thought it was best to post something as Kali threatened to gut us if we didnt :)

So this is Alister Mcgrouch reporting in Ladies Gentlmen and Julie did i mention im back at school o_O

Monday, April 24, 2006

The Fissure Armor Pictures

Here are the links to the forum topics containing these images (they are usually described as fissure armor):







Saturday, April 22, 2006

Diary of Astral Travelling and some tips to virtual OBE

This is captains log,

05:36 am GMT +1,

412 hours 51 min old
Day 160th,

Erm.. Some notions on history might be proper.. Band of Astral Travellers founded on november 13th 2005, under simple goal: explore wonders and curses of the virtual Out of Body Expirience. So far the, only autocratic guild rule that we have, is that there are no rules.. I know pretty lame.. we gotta make some rules quickly (grmp). Anyway, our guild goes by description as "small, friendly based, roleplaying kind of" one, still noted as a virgin on GvG, with great officers and pretty lazy leader (my dearsef). U can recognize us by the dragonfly on our back, and an OBE tag. We also go for some creative questing that we make on our own, but on those u ll be able to read some times later in some more decent hours then this one. Btw, as u can allready see, some of us are "bloody vampires", or more nicely put "night hawks".. We are ofcourse MMORPG addicts, and yes, we are pretty international: we come all over the planet, so we jump around through time zones...
And... *she yawns*.. thats all i can think of for now, so bye all.

We have a damn blog! *she disappears in bubbles above steaming water..*