This is captains log,
05:36 am GMT +1,
412 hours 51 min old Day 160th,
Erm.. Some notions on history might be proper.. Band of Astral Travellers founded on november 13th 2005, under simple goal: explore wonders and curses of the virtual Out of Body Expirience. So far the, only autocratic guild rule that we have, is that there are no rules.. I know pretty lame.. we gotta make some rules quickly (grmp). Anyway, our guild goes by description as "small, friendly based, roleplaying kind of" one, still noted as a virgin on GvG, with great officers and pretty lazy leader (my dearsef). U can recognize us by the dragonfly on our back, and an OBE tag. We also go for some creative questing that we make on our own, but on those u ll be able to read some times later in some more decent hours then this one. Btw, as u can allready see, some of us are "bloody vampires", or more nicely put "night hawks".. We are ofcourse MMORPG addicts, and yes, we are pretty international: we come all over the planet, so we jump around through time zones...
And... *she yawns*.. thats all i can think of for now, so bye all.
Yeey We have a damn blog! *she disappears in bubbles above steaming water..*
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